Wednesday 30 September 2015

Lachido Can A Slow Burning Romance Spark A Long Lasting Flame

Not every happy romance starts off with a passionate Hollywood-like beginning.  Some relationship back stories are downright dull, while others give pause for thought–which I like to call “The Slow-Burning Romance.”

A slow-burning romance is when one significant other in a content relationship admits that he or she did not fall in love right away with their partner instantaneously, but rather “grew to love” their like-minded partner over some time.

It may lack the kind of intensity that makes for a How I Met Your Mother-like story to tell to your closest friends and relatives, but it definitely beats the nauseating drama of explosive passion that fizzles just as quickly as it sparked up.  (A hopeless romantic’s kyrptonite.)

The only problem that comes with a slow-burning romance is that at the beginning it is too difficult to determine whether you’re really “INTO” someone or not.  Are you a realist who realizes a life-long partner is not going to be Don Juan Demarco? Or are you simply settling because you’re too afraid of being alone?

So how do you determine if your slow-burning romance will ignite a long-lasting flame or if it simply needs to be blown out?

By asking yourself the following three questions, you will have the love advice you need to make the right decision in your love life:

Dating Tip # 1: Do You Enjoy Your Significant Other’s Company?

Sure, your partner doesn’t make your heart skip a beat, but do you enjoy his or her company when they are around? Can you talk to them openly about your deepest desires and goals in life? Is hanging out with playing video games on a Friday night as fulfilling as a date out on the town? If the answer is yes, you should definitely give your partner a few more dates before making any rash decisions.

Dating Tip # 2: When you received good news, is your significant other the first person you want to share this news with?

Obviously, I don’t need to tell you that this a great sign.  It means your partner is on your mind and first on your priority list–whether you love it or not.

Dating Tip # 3: Do you tense up when they want to touch, hug or kiss you?

If the thought of your significant other touching you makes you flinch or makes you upset, then you should blow out fizzling flame for good while you still can. However, if their embrace makes you feel safe and happy, then give it time.  This person may not be your ideal partner, but they may be the long run partner that you need.

Remember that if the attraction is not there, then get out when you can.  But also remember, that the one who gets away is always the one you push away.

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