Tuesday 29 December 2015

Lachido The Perks Of Being A Cougar

Less than a decade ago, Demi Moore made cougar dating popular and many older women took dating tips on how to snag a younger fella simply because she made it trendy.  Now while seeing Demi Moore admitted into rehab and turning into a sad woman, there is unfortunately now a negative connotation incorporated into the word “cougar” .  However, it’s important to note that Demi had the right idea–she just didn’t have the right young man.

It’s also important to note that Ms. Moore was a puma–not a cougar.  A puma is a woman who dates someone 10 to 15 years younger than she is (which hardly ever has a great success rate) and cougars are women who date someone 5 to 10 years younger.

Nowadays, many women are dating men 5 to 10 years younger than them because many of those same single ladies have had their hearts continuously broken by men of the same age or older.

So if you’re flirting with the idea of dating a younger man, here are some great perks of being a cougar:

Dating Perk # 1: You Actually Get To Grow Old Together!
It may seem strange that I’m starting off my love advice list with a mortality angle, but it’s a noted fact that women do tend to outlive men by several years–which is strange considering there are so many older men dating younger women.  If you’re looking to find love with a life-long partner, then being a cougar benefits you because you actually will get to grow old together.

Dating Perk # 2: Younger Men Who Date Older Women Are More Secure
If a younger man is attracted to a sophisticated older woman, it’s a great sign that he’s a progressive thinker who is very secure in his manhood.  Think about it: He doesn’t need a younger trophy wife or girlfriend to stroke his male ego, because he’s more intrigued by the challenge of an older woman.

Dating Perk # 3: No Excess Baggage
Unless your young lover has a psycho ex-girlfriend, younger men generally tend to have less baggage than older men.  Younger men generally don’t have alimony to pay off or have to pay off child benefits each month.  Because they don’t have enormous debt, they are generally more happy than older men–which is great for you!

Dating Perk # 4: Less Risk Of Dating An Eternal Bachelor
If a man has never been able to sustain or even be in a live-in relationship by the time he’s 40, there is a pretty high chance that he will never be able to commit to a woman due to the fact that he is too stubborn and set in his ways to truly share his life with anyone besides himself. However, men in their late 20s or early 30s are more open to being in a long-term relationship if they find themselves smitten with you.

Friday 27 November 2015

Lachido Find Love

Find Love - Love and Depression

When we get into a new relationship with someone, we often showcase our happiest and entertaining selves to our significant others and that’s because we truly are happy with our new dating prospects and the incredible sex we are having with the object of our affections.  However, if you struggle with anxiety, depression or any other common mental disorder, it can be extremely difficult to maintain a healthy relationship with someone we love.

If you are battling depression or anxiety, here are some key dating tips and love advice you should take when you are in a relationship:

Only Reveal Your Disorder To Your Partner In A Safe And Comfortable Environment

One of the most daunting things a person who suffers from depression can experience is admitting their flaws to their partners.  If you sense that opening up about your prescriptions or your group therapy sessions, then steer clear of any serious conversations until you are serious with your significant other.  If you are confident that they will not judge you from your vulnerabilities, then you should talk to them in a safe and comfortable environment such as your home. If they see it as a red flag, then it will save you much heartache down the road.

Keep It To Yourself At Least For The First Date

No matter how accepting your date is, if you start blabbing about taking meds before your appetizers arrive, then chances are that they will immediately be turned off from you. On the first date, you should just relax as much as you possibly can and let that person get to know the best side of you–because if they really like you, they won’t care about the future challenges that will come further down the line.

Always Admit Your Problems Before Moving In Together

If you suffer from a form of depression that makes you sabotage all your relationships, it’s only fair that your significant other knows about this before moving in together.  He or she should always be aware of the therapy sessions you take and the prescriptions that you are on.  They need to know about the side effects and mood swings beforehand in case they think they’re the ones responsible for your depression.

Reveal Details After Fights

It’s always best to give your lover a heads up after a fight that they weren’t responsible for.  You should let your partner know about how you get when you break down for seemingly no reason at all.  They should about your sudden mood changes and how they can support you when you are experiencing these negative emotions.  By sharing this information with your partner, they will be able to help you when you need it and won’t get shocked when you have a meltdown.

Friday 30 October 2015

Lachido Common Dating Myths Debunked

To our great detriment, many single ladies are prone to making cold judgements about good people before we even give them a proper chance when it comes to our relationships.  And for this, I blame outdated old wives’ tales and stereotypes.  In order to have the true dating experience we all crave for, we must shed some light on some common dating myths and why we shouldn’t be living by them.

Dating Myth #1: Owning More Than One Cat Does Not Mean You Will Die An Old Maid

When we hear some woman has more than one cat, what is the first phrase that generally pops into your heads? “Crazy cat lady” would have been what I would have thought.  Sure, there are crazy women that own cats for some reason, however it’s ridiculous to compare mental illness and celibacy with owning multiple cats.

Dating Myth # 2: Women Who Love Sweatpants Need Professional Help

The baggy sweatpants have gotten a bad reputation as of late.  Almost every depression commercial depicts the sweatpants as a sure fire sign of mental instability.  However, I beg to differ.  Just because a woman wants to put on her most comfortable and over-sized sweatpants, does not means he needs to be quarantined and sedated.  So behalf of all the sweatpant-wearing lounging single ladies out there, I salute you!

Dating Myth # 3: Poor Is The Same As Cheap

As women, we have a tendency to compare broke men to cheap men and I’m here to say that there is a HUGE difference between the two.  Broke men may not have much, but what they do have, they happily share.  Cheapskates, on the other hand, have a lot, but are really stingy about sharing it. A broke person’s paycheque is usually a temporary situation, where a cheap person’s attachment to his money is lifelong.

Dating Myth # 4: The Word ‘Nice’ Is Code For Hideous

Generally if you are in your teens or early twenties, hearing the word “nice” about a guy your friend was setting you up with usually meant they were ugly.  However, after you get to your late twenties, you will realize that the word ‘Nice’ is usually welcome after the ‘cool’ guys broke your hearts.

Wednesday 30 September 2015

Lachido Can A Slow Burning Romance Spark A Long Lasting Flame

Not every happy romance starts off with a passionate Hollywood-like beginning.  Some relationship back stories are downright dull, while others give pause for thought–which I like to call “The Slow-Burning Romance.”

A slow-burning romance is when one significant other in a content relationship admits that he or she did not fall in love right away with their partner instantaneously, but rather “grew to love” their like-minded partner over some time.

It may lack the kind of intensity that makes for a How I Met Your Mother-like story to tell to your closest friends and relatives, but it definitely beats the nauseating drama of explosive passion that fizzles just as quickly as it sparked up.  (A hopeless romantic’s kyrptonite.)

The only problem that comes with a slow-burning romance is that at the beginning it is too difficult to determine whether you’re really “INTO” someone or not.  Are you a realist who realizes a life-long partner is not going to be Don Juan Demarco? Or are you simply settling because you’re too afraid of being alone?

So how do you determine if your slow-burning romance will ignite a long-lasting flame or if it simply needs to be blown out?

By asking yourself the following three questions, you will have the love advice you need to make the right decision in your love life:

Dating Tip # 1: Do You Enjoy Your Significant Other’s Company?

Sure, your partner doesn’t make your heart skip a beat, but do you enjoy his or her company when they are around? Can you talk to them openly about your deepest desires and goals in life? Is hanging out with playing video games on a Friday night as fulfilling as a date out on the town? If the answer is yes, you should definitely give your partner a few more dates before making any rash decisions.

Dating Tip # 2: When you received good news, is your significant other the first person you want to share this news with?

Obviously, I don’t need to tell you that this a great sign.  It means your partner is on your mind and first on your priority list–whether you love it or not.

Dating Tip # 3: Do you tense up when they want to touch, hug or kiss you?

If the thought of your significant other touching you makes you flinch or makes you upset, then you should blow out fizzling flame for good while you still can. However, if their embrace makes you feel safe and happy, then give it time.  This person may not be your ideal partner, but they may be the long run partner that you need.

Remember that if the attraction is not there, then get out when you can.  But also remember, that the one who gets away is always the one you push away.

Friday 28 August 2015

Lachido Do Fairy Tale Romances Exist?

Do Fairy Tale Romances Exist?
Since we were little, we always assumed that our romanticlives would be as perfect as they are in fairy tales.
One day Prince Charming would come to sweep you off your feet and you would live happily ever after in bliss . Unfortunately, many of us seem to delude ourselves that fairy tales are meant for everybody and more importantly, for the real world.

Dating Tip 1: Have Realistic Expectations On What Makes A Happy Relationship
Unless you have the ability to grow hair that someone can use to climb up a castle, you should keep your expectations far more realistic and avoid comparing your lovelives to the lives from characters out of a The Brothers Grimm tale. Your knight in shining armor shouldn’t be someone who would save you from a burning castle. He should be someone who will cook you dinner after a rough day at work.  He should be someone who can carry meaningful conversations with your friends. He should be someone who loves you even when you’re PMSing and who will sit through your favorite groan-inducing reality shows with you.

Dating Tip #2: Be A Damsel In Power
Stop resorting to being a damsel in distress and rather be damsel in power.
A damsel in power is a  woman who is supportive and doesn’t have Rapunzel-sized extensions running down her back. She should be someone who can handle being in a room with her boyfriend’s alcoholic father and not even bat an eye. She should be someone who loves her because he’s a good man and not because he makes a good salary they both can live off.

If  you’re looking for the optimal romance, remember that you can live happily ever after if you choose to live within your realistic expectations of love. If not, you will find out first hand that some times happy fairy tale endings are for stories that haven’t ended yet.

Wednesday 29 July 2015

Lachido Are You Haunted By An Old Love

What is Love?  Most of us know what it is NOT.  It’s not always on time or in our time.  It is not always simple, although sometimes it is.  It says one thing and means another and it always disappoints us at one time or another.

So the real question is, why is it that we can’t live without it?  Writers write about it. Singers sing about it and if we’re lucky, it is the first impression we have of this world.

Although some of us don’t welcome love into our lives–sometimes others remain haunted by it and are too scared to move on with their lives because they are constantly reminded of their ghosts of ex boyfriend’s/girlfriend’s past.

Dating Tip # 1: Get Rid of Past Mementos
Photos, holiday cards and even that bottle of perfume he bought for you can actually open up old wounds  and continue to remind you of negative emotions associated with your ex. Clean out your apartment, car, and office of all mementos and objects you associate with your former partner. If you can’t part with them, give them to a friend who will keep it away for you in storage.

Dating Tip # 2: Release Your Inner Anger
If you are consistently haunted by an ex lover, you most likely have unresolved anger towards them. That’s okay, but if you don’t deal with the residual anger constructively, you can’t let go of your past. The most essential part of exorcising your ex from your mind and your heart is to release the inner demons. Try writing a really honest and angry letter to that person – and then throw it away. Or go to the quietest and isolated location  where no one can hear or see you and yell at him or her at the top of your lungs until you’ve said absolutely everything you need to say and have gotten it all off your chest.

Dating Tip # 3: Throw Out Every Mariah Carey Album You Own
From my own personal experience, listening to Mariah Carey’s sappy love ballads towards her exes do not and will not help the healing process of getting over an ex-lover.  Almost all of her albums focus on break ups–the same goes for Adele.

Dating Tip # 4: Stop Embracing The “Old You”
Sometimes when we carry old wounds, we behave in the present as if that relationship or situation is still going on. Your current partner may find him or herself in a relationship with “the old you” rather than the improved, evolved person you should be aiming to be. Live in the present, examine your current relationships and situation, and change your behavior to fit the way things actually are right now.

Dating Tip # 5: Seek A Professional Therapist
If you are really feeling distressed, angry, or upset, or if you feel as if the past is preventing you from moving on, I strongly encourage you to enlist the assistance the ultimate exorcist: a relationship counselor or therapist. Another person’s perspective can help you move on with your life so you can live a happy life without being constantly haunted by your past.

Monday 29 June 2015

Lachido Should You Get Back with an Ex?

Should You Get Back with an Ex

Let’s face it, we’ve all asked ourselves this question at some point in our dating history: ‘Should I get back with him/her?’

It’s a complicated question, and the answer depends on the variables and dynamics of each relationship. Apologies if you came here looking for a definitive answer, because you are not going to get one. What I can give you though, are some tips and thoughts about the situation from a general point of view.

You Can’t ALWAYS Listen to Your Friends
Keep in mind, the only person who knows your situation and the dynamics of your relationship is YOU. Friends and family can give you their opinions till they are blue in the face, and it’s easy to do so when their own feelings aren’t at stake or invested. That is also the problem with friendly advice: the person doesn’t truly know your feelings or what goes on behind closed doors in your relationship. When a friend of mine recently split with her long-term fiance, many of our mutual friends advised her: “You can do better,” “You are better off, he didn’t treat you very well”,”etc etc ad nauseam.  I was the only one to sit down and talk to her about her feelings, beyond the typical “Are you okay?” This can also stand as a tip for friends: don’t EVER bash your best friend’s ex! They are now back happy and together, and the naysayers are now frowned upon.

If your friends are expressing concern for your safety and well- being, then you definitely should take heed. But if you get the feeling they are just giving you the typical best friend support by bashing your ex and being there for you, then start taking a look inside at your own feelings, as objectively as possible.

Don’t Put on the Rose-Coloured Glasses.
If you are seriously considering rekindling your relationship, then you need to be as objective as possible about your relationship from it’s beginning straight through to the final day. Don’t start romanticizing your relationship, and remember WHY the breakup happened. This is not to say you should fixate on the negative, because that wont help either, you need to look at the positives and the negatives of your entire relationship period. Looking too much at one side or another will taint your view and possibly push you to make a final decision before you are quite ready. One thing that may help (as cheesy as it may sound) is a Pro/Con list. If you find that you have less than 5 more pros than cons, you should definitely hesitate. The issues you had before will just rehash themselves, and you need to acknowledge and be aware of them if you expect things to work a second time around.

Ask Yourself Why You Think It Will Work This Time Around
You and your ex (hopefully) know and acknowledge the reasons why the relationship ended. But what makes you think it will work if given a second (or third) chance? Have either of you made any significant changes in your lives since you’ve been apart to warrant a review, or has one of you had some sort of drastic revelation about where they may have gone wrong, and are now accepting their share of the blame? If absolutely NOTHING has changed since the split, then you may want to consider why you want them back. Loneliness? Nostalgia? The same problems you had before will still be there for you, its whether you have changed enough to work through them together or not that is the question.

The Odds Aren’t in Your Favor
I don’t mean to be a Debbie Downer, but in relationships where there’s a break followed by a reconciliation, the majority of the reconciliations don’t last. Either the people haven’t changed, haven’t changed enough, or they simply couldn’t work through the problems that caused it to crash and burn in the first place. You can be the exception the the rule, but only if you walk back in knowing the odds are against you, and are BOTH willing to put in the extra effort to make sure things don’t go south again.

Keep in mind also, that sometimes, love just isn’t enough in a relationship. It doesn’t mean that you are destined to be alone, it just means you are destined to find someone who is better suited to you.

Friday 29 May 2015

Lachido Best Kissing Styles Ever

Everyone has a different technique when it comes to their own personal kissing style.
Some people are more reserved with their kissing than others, and some go all out right away.
But which ones are the most successful and most popular? I searched around to find out!

The Teasing Kiss
This type of kiss works especially well in the first stages of a relationship.
Make a couple of initial pecks on the lips, and then on the 3rd or 4th, slightly suck on their bottom lip for a moment.
Then repeat this process, but with their top lip. Keep doing this back and forth for a bit, and it is sure to elicit a sexy reaction from your partner.

The Relaxed Kiss
This is exactly how it sounds, and it’s one of the most popular types because it is intimate and romantic without coming across as too aggressive.
Keeping your jaws relaxed, touch your lips to theirs a few times, and slightly work your lower jaw as you continue kissing.
There’s no forced positioning for your lips in this style, which makes it comfortable, sweet and relaxing.

The French Kiss
This is the most popular kissing style, but it needs to be used in moderation and carefully.
The key is to not be too forceful and come out with a french kiss right out of the starting gate,
because if your opening move is to ram your tongue into the other person’s mouth, you’re gonna have a bad time. Start off slowly with normal,
soft kisses, and slooooowly work your tongue into the action. Don’t start by forcing it into their mouth either,
lick their lips briefly first and you’ll get an idea on how into frenching they are, and can take it from there.

The Aggressive, Passionate Kiss
We all love it once in a while. That kiss where the chemistry between you reaches its breaking point and you ABSOLUTELY MUST KISS THEM NOW.
The kiss begins with force and usually ends with passion, as you gradually relax as the tension slips away.
This kiss usually begins with a brief moment of silence, when you both know exactly what is about to happen and aren’t quite sure how to start off.
Finally you both can’t take any more and connect at the exact same moment in a firm, passionate liplock. It may or may not include tongue, this is optional.

The Tongue Twister
Start out with some romantic, slow kissing on the lips before guiding your tongue into the mix.
Once you feel theirs, twist your tongue in a corkscrew motion around it.
As you come full circle, pull your tongue back and lick towards the tip of their tongue, finishing with a soft peck on the lips.
A sure-fire way to drive anyone wild!

So now that’s you’ve got these top kisses in your mind, why not invite your crush over for a romantic movie night and try them out?

Monday 27 April 2015

Lachido Why Should I Join?

Lachido Why Should I Join?

Lachido.com is a dating site (you knew that already right?), We care about you having a good experience using this site so you can tell your single friends to join! Do most other dating sites have fully customizable profiles, serious people looking for serious relationships etc? Nope!
What makes Lachido.com different than other dating sites out there? I think we have a lot of great features that are wrapped up in a very easy to use interface. We feel the quality of our product is at least as good as any other dating site (and better than most to be honest). Some of our cool features:
  • Very simple, easy to use interface
  • Completely customize the look and feel of your profile
  • Unlimited Pictures
  • Friends system
  • Favourites system
  • Facebook login and register (coming soon)
  • Send and receive messages

  • Dating ideas and advice.
If you’re looking for love, our dating advice guides will give you all the information you need to get started. From first date advice to what men and women are really looking for in a partner, with our help you’ll be able to put your dating nerves behind you and start dating at a pace that’s right for you. And when you’re ready, we offer plenty of date ideas.
Also has all of the other features you would come to expect from a high quality dating site. We really try to keep things simple around here. A lot of sites pack in tons of features but are a pain or confusing to use. Dating is already hard enough we figure. No need to torture people further with a confusing web site.Well if you think this site is cool feel free to join.

Friday 27 March 2015


About Lachido dating

Lachido.com is a dating site (you knew that already right?), We care about you having a good experience using this site so you can tell your single friends to join! Do most other dating sites have fully customizable profiles, serious people looking for serious relationships etc? Nope!
What makes Lachido.com different than other dating sites out there? I think we have a lot of great features that are wrapped up in a very easy to use interface. We feel the quality of our product is at least as good as any other dating site (and better than most to be honest). Some of our cool features:
  • Very simple, easy to use interface
  • Completely customize the look and feel of your profile
  • Unlimited Pictures
  • Friends system
  • Favourites system
  • Facebook login and register (coming soon)
  • Send and receive messages

  • Dating ideas and advice.
If you’re looking for love, our dating advice guides will give you all the information you need to get started. From first date advice to what men and women are really looking for in a partner, with our help you’ll be able to put your dating nerves behind you and start dating at a pace that’s right for you. And when you’re ready, we offer plenty of date ideas.
Also has all of the other features you would come to expect from a high quality dating site. We really try to keep things simple around here. A lot of sites pack in tons of features but are a pain or confusing to use. Dating is already hard enough we figure. No need to torture people further with a confusing web site.Well if you think this site is cool feel free to join.

Friday 27 February 2015

Lachido Dating Myths Debunked

Lachido Dating Myths Debunked

To our great detriment, many single ladies are prone to making cold judgements about good people before we even give them a proper
chance when it comes to our relationships.  And for this, I blame outdated old wives’ tales and stereotypes.
In order to have the true dating experience we all crave for, we must shed some light on some common dating myths and why we shouldn’t be living by them.

Dating Myth #1: Owning More Than One Cat Does Not Mean You Will Die An Old Maid

When we hear some woman has more than one cat, what is the first phrase that generally pops into your heads? “Crazy cat lady” would have been what I would have thought.  Sure, there are crazy women that own cats for some reason, however it’s ridiculous to compare mental illness and celibacy with owning multiple cats.

Dating Myth # 2: Women Who Love Sweatpants Need Professional Help

The baggy sweatpants have gotten a bad reputation as of late.  Almost every depression commercial depicts the sweatpants as a sure fire sign of mental instability.  However, I beg to differ.  Just because a woman wants to put on her most comfortable and over-sized sweatpants, does not means he needs to be quarantined and sedated.  So behalf of all the sweatpant-wearing lounging single ladies out there, I salute you!

Dating Myth # 3: Poor Is The Same As Cheap

As women, we have a tendency to compare broke men to cheap men and I’m here to say that there is a HUGE difference between the two.  Broke men may not have much, but what they do have, they happily share.  Cheapskates, on the other hand, have a lot, but are really stingy about sharing it. A broke person’s paycheque is usually a temporary situation, where a cheap person’s attachment to his money is lifelong.

Dating Myth # 4: The Word ‘Nice’ Is Code For Hideous

Generally if you are in your teens or early twenties, hearing the word “nice” about a guy your friend was setting you up with usually meant they were ugly.  However, after you get to your late twenties, you will realize that the word ‘Nice’ is usually welcome after the ‘cool’ guys broke your hearts.

Friday 30 January 2015

Lachido Im Haunted By An Old Love?

Lachido Im Haunted By An Old Love?

What is Love?  Most of us know what it is NOT.  It’s not always on time or in our time.  It is not always simple, although sometimes it is.  It says one thing and means another and it always disappoints us at one time or another.

So the real question is, why is it that we can’t live without it?  Writers write about it. Singers sing about it and if we’re lucky, it is the first impression we have of this world.

Although some of us don’t welcome love into our lives–sometimes others remain haunted by it and are too scared to move on with their lives because they are constantly reminded of their ghosts of ex boyfriend’s/girlfriend’s past.

Dating Tip # 1: Get Rid of Past Mementos
Photos, holiday cards and even that bottle of perfume he bought for you can actually open up old wounds  and continue to remind you of negative emotions associated with your ex. Clean out your apartment, car, and office of all mementos and objects you associate with your former partner. If you can’t part with them, give them to a friend who will keep it away for you in storage.

Dating Tip # 2: Release Your Inner Anger
If you are consistently haunted by an ex lover, you most likely have unresolved anger towards them. That’s okay, but if you don’t deal with the residual anger constructively, you can’t let go of your past. The most essential part of exorcising your ex from your mind and your heart is to release the inner demons. Try writing a really honest and angry letter to that person – and then throw it away. Or go to the quietest and isolated location  where no one can hear or see you and yell at him or her at the top of your lungs until you’ve said absolutely everything you need to say and have gotten it all off your chest.

Dating Tip # 3: Throw Out Every Mariah Carey Album You Own
From my own personal experience, listening to Mariah Carey’s sappy love ballads towards her exes do not and will not help the healing process of getting over an ex-lover.  Almost all of her albums focus on break ups–the same goes for Adele.

Dating Tip # 4: Stop Embracing The “Old You”
Sometimes when we carry old wounds, we behave in the present as if that relationship or situation is still going on. Your current partner may find him or herself in a relationship with “the old you” rather than the improved, evolved person you should be aiming to be. Live in the present, examine your current relationships and situation, and change your behaviour to fit the way things actually are right now.

Dating Tip # 5: Seek A Professional Therapist
If you are really feeling distressed, angry, or upset, or if you feel as if the past is preventing you from moving on, I strongly encourage you to enlist the assistance the ultimate exorcist: a relationship counsellor or therapist. Another person’s perspective can help you move on with your life so you can live a happy life without being constantly haunted by your past.